To Be Face to Face with the Poor

To Be Face to Face with the Poor
by Renato Lima de Oliveira | Jan 20, 2020 | Formation, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

We, as members of the Society and of the worldwide Vincentian Family, have a great social responsibility. We have first-hand experience of the problems that afflict thousands of poor families. The dust, the mud, the rain, the wind, the heat … all of these we feel as we walk side by side, face to face, with those who are poor. We feel that way during our home visit and when we accompany them during a time of crisis that demands our support. When we act in that manner, we become very close to these men and women who are poor and in return, we receive greater support from the community. We discover that doors are opened and that we become an example for many other people.

To be face to face with the poor does not mean that we simply share material goods during our home visit. Rather it means that we become the voice of those who are poor and thus denounce the present-day injustices. We engage with them in the struggle for dignified work, for quality education and for access to healthcare. At the same time, we encourage them in the practice of their faith so that they become committed in their beliefs. We are more than distributors of food baskets … we are lawyers for the poor.
To be face to face with the poor also means that we cannot “outsource” our Vincentian activity. I am saddened when I hear that a Conference, instead of discreetly bring their food baskets to the homes of those families in need, pays the bus fare so that a member of those families can travel to the Conference headquarters in the parish and there receive a food basket.
If the members do not act selflessly and with a missionary spirit, if they do not reach out to the poor in a dedicated manner, they will never be true Vincentians and will never come face to face with those persons who have been excluded from participation in our society … they will be “artificial, cold human beings”.
Only when we are face to face with the homeless can we experience the depth of the suffering of those men and women who struggle with so many difficulties in order to survive: family crisis, health issues, financial problems, unemployment … so many different situations that we are privileged to share.
Those individuals who provide assistance during the holiday season or other specific times of the year … these individuals have little understanding of what actually happens on the peripheries and in the poor neighborhoods and communities. They do not have the DNA [1] of charity in the blood nor the seal of humility on their forehead.
I recall here a biblical passage in which God leads those who have been chosen to reach out in service on behalf of those who are poor. In the Book of Sirach we read: The God of justice hears the cry of the oppressed … the prayer of the lowly pierces the clouds; it does not rest till it reaches its goal (Sirach 35:12-17). This passage assures us that the prayer of the poor reaches the ears of God and that those who serve God will be received in heaven and their supplications will also be heard. Are there are better promises than that?
Therefore, dear members of the Society and members of the worldwide Vincentian Family, we are on the right path. The closer we become to the poor, the closer we become to Jesus Christ.
I leave you with one question to discuss in your group: what does it mean for you to be face to face with the poor?
[1] DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, a self-replicating material which is present in nearly all living organisms as the main constituent of chromosomes. It is the carrier of genetic information. Therefore, to say that certain individuals no do have the DNA of charity in their blood, the author is speaking in an allegorical manner because without such DNA, their action is mere philanthropy.

Written by: Renato Lima de Oliveira
16th General President of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul

2019 Christmas Sharing by SSVP St. Dominic, Yaba

Society of St Vincent De Paul St. Dominic Conference Yaba, Lagos Nigeria presents her *SSVP 2019 Christmas Sharing with our masters the poor.*
This is an annual event where we provide our lord and masters with meals to celebrate the festive season.
These items include bags of rice, tomatoe pastes, seasonings and so much more!

Support: you can support us by donating to feed the needy this season either by cash or kind.

Account Details:
Bank = Fidelity Bank
Bank Account: 6060147892
Bank name = Society of St. Vincent De Paul St. Dominic Conference.
Date: Saturday, 21st December, 2019.
Time: 7am
Venue: St. Dominic YCC Hall Car Park.
For More enquiries:
please call 08023133539 or 09051140967.
*Handles* :
Web =
Facebook =
Instagram = ssvpst.dominic


2018 SSVP St.Dominic Conference Christmas Sharing

SSVP St.Dominic Conference End of Year Christmas Clients Gift Sharing.

The Society of St.Vincent de Paul, St. Dominic Conference invites to to come help in sharing gifts to our masters & clients (the poor + needy) within our community.

Venue: YCC Car Park @St. Dominic Catholic Church, Yaba.

Time: 10am

Date: 22nd December, 2018.

If you want to contribute financially to this event, or have food stuff for the needy among us, please contact the numbers below:
John or Ebehi.

Society Account Number: 
Fidelity Bank: 6060147892.

Items accepted are cash donations, bags of rice, groundnut oil or vegetable oil sachets or portable bottles, seasoning (maggi), tomatoes sachets, butter/ margarine, bottled water… Etc.

John +2348034446033
Ebehi +2348052415155

God bless you as you assist the needy amongst us. Amen!

St Vincent de Paul…. Pray for us.


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Happy New Year 2018

This New Year is the time to unfold new Horizons & Realize new Dreams-Our best prayers and wishes are with you always. Have a Blessed, Promising and great year 2018 and Beyond!!

From all of us at The Society of St Vincent De Paul St. Dominic Conference, Yaba.

Hello Friends!

Welcome to SSVP St.Dominic Conference!!!