We thank you for your love and donations to the less privileged, this is why the Society exists. Your Contributions Help cloth, educate, feed, provide shelter for the needy and lots more.


1. Named or Anonymous cash/ money donations; by bank transfer, cash deposits, Cheque and bank drafts.
2. Fairly used clothing and fabric still in good or perfect conditions.
3. Raw food items that can be stored over a period of 30 days plus.
4. We allow your (Volunteer) physical effort, presence, energy and also your prayers towards helping us with our daily, weekly, monthly and yearly activities.
5. Anything you feel that might be used to cater for the needy in our Community.

Our bank Account Detail:
Fidelity Bank
Account Number: 6060147892
Account Name: Society of St Vincent de Paul St. Dominic conference

Our Address: (In case you might want to donate physical items)
Society of St Vincent De Paul, St Dominic Conference.
St. Dominic Catholic Church, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria.
+234 909 000 5269
+234 802 369 9645 (Sister Ada – Conference Keeper)
Email: info@ssvpstdominic.com