Here is a list of things we do.
If it touches your heart, you can join us or support us.
Here is a list of things we do.
If it touches your heart, you can join us or support us.
Give food to the hungry
Give water to the thirsty
Shelter the homeless
Clothe the naked
Visit the sick
Visit the imprisoned
Bury the Dead
What so ever you do to the least of my brothers and sister, that you do unto Me.
We can help reach out to people in need on your behalf and send a feedback to you.
Yes, You too can become a BENEFACTOR.
We can help reach out to people in need on your behalf and send a feedback to you.
Yes, You too can become a BENEFACTOR.
Fidelity Bank
Account Number: 6060147892
Account Name: Society of St Vincent de Paul St. Dominic Conference